Monday, October 09, 2006
The Chronicles of Pingasore - I Had A Fucking Day
Hey tomorrow is fucking day. Ooops, its marking day. Today was so fun. Wait let's try that again with idiot speak. xToXdAyx WaXs sOx xfxuxnx!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (idiot speak can never be idiotic without tonnes of exclamation marks)HexhEx Aixn'xT XiT funX wiThX aLl thEx IdxioTic XcaPiTalisAxtioXN??????????????????????????????? (same goes for the question marks) Ok its hard but you get the point. I took an LRT and poof I'm in Ten Fucking Mile Juntion. AND I WALKED HOME. THE BEST PART: I TOOK A SHORTCUT AND GOT LOST, PACKING A 8KG BAG WITH MY SCIENCE TEXTBOOKS! WOOTX!
Back to the story...
Mayday, mayis shadowka. Can youme? Repeat can your hear me? That's better. Finally, transmission received. Why have I not posted? Simple. Tingsel sucks. ITS AN ANAGRAM FOOL LOOK CLOSELY! I wanted to post something about the Amenesians. Perhaps in the next post. Tingsel sucks. What else can I say? They overbook Pingasoreans' lines and they cannot get onto the Outernet. If this continues, I'm gonna go to Farsnub. Their service should be better, and I seriously doubt that their customer helpdesk is staffed by 'poor-excuses-for-being-a-sentient-humanoid-with-a-halfassed-brain-so-fuck-me's, because Tingsel's helpdesk are staffed by such creatures. Its mind-boggling just trying to tell them your problem. I tink I know their sales strategy. Give the customer a faulty line. When they call to complain, they die in exasperation trying to talk to idiots. Tingsel then continues to bill them through their bank accounts. Good idea eh?
Here's my deduction. It's called overbooking. You share a connection line with capacity of 2Mbps with 3 other users who are also using 512kbps. So it is just nice. Tingsel wants to cut costs and put 10 over users onto the line, and probably more. So they over-fucking-book the piece of shitty copper and you just can't find a fucking bandwidth to log on. AND GUESS WHAT? THEY BLAME MY MODEM. Here's what happened.
1. Hello...blablablacrapcrapyadayadayada
2. Have you tried accessing your router to check its configuration.
3. I mean like, duh! Of course you idiot. I did that and turned my modem off and on but it is still to no avail.
4. I think it is your modem having a problem. Try restarting it 1 more time
5. I went ot restart and voila it works!
6. Did you do something to my line? Cos I restarted 6 times before calling you and it didn't work. Only when I called you then restarting worked. And this phenomenon occurred yesterday night as well.
7. Hell no. Of course didn't touch it.
Obvious that the mofo is a lying bastard. Two words: Tingsel sucks.
-An angry shadowkat who is gonna kill the Cunt with an Extra-large Orifice of Tingsel